Friday, October 24, 2008

Upcoming SMP

This Saturday the 11th ward is having a pancake party and final practice before our Sacrament Meeting program on Sunday. My lucky husband gets to help cook pancakes, and then the kids get to put an assortment of toppings on their pancakes: sprinkles, mini chocolate chips, whipped cream, etc. Sounds gross to me, but the kids love it. Then we'll go into the chapel and have our final practice.

My kids have been doing great. I know they know the music well, the question is whether or not they are willing to sing it. We have lots of kids (mostly older boys) that refuse to sing at all. If I look directly at them while I lead, they will barely move their lips to pretend that they are singing, but I know they're not. Ah, to be too old for Primary and too cool for the program.

My only worry is that because my kids are so well prepared that they have already hit and passed their peak. We've been practicing the same songs over and over for so long it seems, and I know they want to do something new. So I'm excited to perform this Sunday and get to move onto new material.

How are you feeling about your upcoming program?

1 comment:

Katy said...

Our boys pulled out a hymn book when we sang "We thank thee oh God for a Prophet." I could hardly beleive it. Other than that, they sang really well. Our nursery sang the 2 songs with us, they were so cute. My favorite part was when we finished the verse of "I am a Child of God" that they knew, 3 of them clapped their hands and said "Yeah!" right during the song. (That's what we did when we practiced with them! So Cute!